Lego storage bag / play mat

This is probably a familiar sight for anyone who has small Lego-loving humans. My mom had made a Lego storage bag for my brother's Legos back in the 70's, and I thought of it fondly each time our Legos came out. I finally got around to making one!

There are many more detailed tutorials online now-- or I highly recommend buying one if you're not up to making one. (These playmats are made overseas, but look how cute!). My sewing method was quick and simple, with no real measuring or pinning. I only snapped a couple of pictures, but it's not too hard to figure out.

1) Wash and dry a cotton canvas dropcloth.
2) Fold it into quarters, and cut a circle.
3) Tear two long strips of fabric as long as 1/2 the circumference of your circle plus about 2" each. Mine was about 5" wide, enough to fold over for the drawstring pockets and have 1/2" seam allowances.
4) Mark halfway points on the circle, hem one short edge of the strip, then start sewing it around the edge of the circle, folded over to create the pocket for your drawstring. When you get near the middle marking, stop and hem the other short side. Once both sides are done, thread rope through the pocket edge, tying a knot to make the rope about the same circumference as the base circle. This will give the mat a sort of a border to keep the blocks at bay.

Okay, so the living room is still a mess in this picture, but the Legos are sure easier to tidy away! I think if you used sturdier fabric, the sides would stand up a bit. this works fine for us, and I like the clean look.

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