Notecard teacher gifts

This has become our holiday teacher gift standard. My kids' number one passion is art, so for the past couple of years, I have collected about seven of their recent artworks and printed them on blank notecards. (I also found these for less at our favorite independent toy store, Child's Play, recently.) I add their name, age, and school to the back, and bundle around five per package. The cellophane bags are from the party favor section of Target, and I print a little "Happy Holidays" note to tie at the top.

One of the beauties of this is that we can make enough to give them to specials teachers and administrators who often get overlooked at this time of year. And in this age of clutter, giveaway gifts are great.

Our school art teacher had a nice collection of students art professionally printed this year as a fundraiser product! They are beautiful. All have been very well received.

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